The Village Hall was previously the village school, situated close to the village centre. The full address is Beresford Lane, Alstonefield, DE6 2FR ( map). It is an important facility for the village and is used by many local users groups. It is a charitable trust registered with the Charity Commission No.228929. Its current trustees (committee members) are shown below. The Hall is available for hire, for weddings, parties and other social or commercial purposes. Facilities include a main hall that can seat up to around 100; large and small tables, a stage-system and lights; a fully-equipped kitchen; and a small room that can be used as an office or administration area, etc. There is an outreach Post Office service on Mondays and Thursdays, from 12.15-2.15pm. There is ample car parking next to the hall and in other car parks nearby – click here. For details of any forthcoming events, see the Events page.
HELP NEEDED! We’re looking for one or more people to join us, who can look after bookings (a mostly automated process) and/or accounts (the treasurer role). It can be one person or the role can be split. See sample role descriptions below. If you think you can help, call Jo on 07812 606790 or email:
Hiring the hall – guide to charges – effective 1 July 2024
- Main hall:
– Standard Parish charge £7.50 per hour (£11 Friday/Saturday evenings)
– including full kitchen use £9 per hour (£13.50 Friday/Saturdays evenings) - Meeting room only £6 per hour
- All facilities (whole Hall including kitchen use) £14.50 per hour (£18 Fri/Sat evenings)
- Exclusive use (all facilities including Old School Garden and reserved parking) £16 per hour (£20 Fri/Sat evenings)
- Exclusive use rate for weddings etc. with all facilities and access from midday Friday – midday Sunday £550 (£400 for Parish residents) plus extra charges for services required such as laundering of tablecloths. All times/rates negotiable.
- Non-parish private/corporate/local authority hire, etc. – on application
Reductions may be given for regular users and local (non-profit) user groups represented on the Hall Committee. A more complete guide to charges can be found in the Hire Charges notice, which is also displayed on noticeboards.
Hiring the hall – booking process
The Committee has discretion over all bookings and charges. Before making a booking request, please refer to the Hiring Agreement here (a PDF file) because this contains the main terms and conditions, which the person hiring must agree to during the booking process. Please use the on-line form below to request the date required (using the + indicator), which will take you to the Hallmaster booking system, where you can confirm the room(s) and facilities needed. Once submitted, we will contact you to confirm the booking, discuss any details and arrange payment. Alternatively, complete the first page of the Hiring Agreement, then scan and email to the Booking Officer at:
If you have any queries or a room appears booked-out but you particularly want the date and would like to double-check availability, do contact the Booking Officer by email.
N.B. Please note that for any event where alcohol is to be supplied, full details will be needed and unless we run the bar, you will normally need approval to apply for a Temporary Events Licence from Staffordshire Moorlands District Council (unless, exceptionally, permission is given in writing to use of the Hall’s own Premises Licence).
Annual return to Charity Commission
As a charity, we make an annual return to the Charity Commission – you can search for any charity here. Following the latest return (2023-24), our financial history for the last 5 years is summarised as below:
We welcome donations of any amount. As a charity, donations benefit from gift aid, boosting the amount by 25p for every £1 received. Our gift aid declaration form can be downloaded here. You can make donations in any way you like but one simple way is to scan our QR Code, which will direct you to a secure payment method.
Committee Members (officers)
- Chair – Kevin Stockton
- Booking Officer/Treasurer – Joanna Griffin (07812 606 790 or email:
Other committee members
- Dave Littlehales
- Val Littlehales
- Martin Snodin
- Liz Power
- Duncan Scroggs
- Lois Adams
- Mark Smith
Policies and documents
Some of the policies linked below may be in draft form or in the process of being updated, so must not be relied upon as the current policies of the Hall Committee:
Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023-24 Minutes
Health & Safety Policy – section from Handbook
Application for approval to apply for Temporary Events Licence
Health & Safety Checklist – 2023/24
Committee Handbook – v16 Jan 2025 (for committee members’ reference)
Role description – Committee member/trustee
Role description – Chair of the committee
Role description – Bookings officer
Role description – Bookings & accounts (if Treasurer/Bookings roles combined)
Role description – Secretary/Administration
Village Halls week
We often participate in Village Halls Week. In 2021, after the COVID pandemic, we participated and were included in a new online record – the Village Halls Domesday Book. In 2020, we held an Open Day with all our regular user groups represented. You can see a PDF version of the slideshow that ran during the day on this link. See also photos in the Gallery.
Village Hall Archive
Click above for older listings/articles.
This page is maintained by Dave Littlehales€